Dear Naglaa,
I am concerned about your symptom of difficulty swallowing . Even though you
not experiencing
heartburn , this one is troublesome. This might indicate that
you may developed a narrowing of the lower
esophagus at or near the junction
with the stomach from a long term acid damage from inflammation. We call it
"Stricture". Whenever you were started on the medication such as
Nexium ,
you need to have been on it for 4-6 weeks steady for healing to occur. The
fact that you feel better in 1-2 weeks , you should not stop the medicine.
I don't know if you have had an endoscopic examination of your esphagus
and stomach. I certainly advice you to have one now to make sure you don't
have a bad narrowing as I mentioned before.
Please see a gastroenterologist as soon as possible.
Good health,