Thanks for your query
From your description of the
skin rash that you are having, it looks like you have developed cheiropompholyx lesions over your hand.
Now this skin disease is a kind of skin
eczema which is characterized by development of deep seated fluid filled vesicular lesions over the hands.
These are very itchy in nature and sometimes there is fluid discharge from the lesions on scratching.
You need to apply a topical potent steroid cream over the affected area atleast twice a day.
Keep the area moisturized by applying enough
cold creams to reduce the associated itching.
Avoid the use of oils over the hands.
You may take oral antihistamines the itching is very severe in nature.
Sometimes short courses of oral
steroids have to be given in sever cases, so that you might need proper assessment by a
Hope it helps
Dr Geetika Paul