Respected User , hi I evaluated your query thoroughly.
*As there are definite symptoms, even though BP is normal , we have to
consider possibility of underlying neuronal condition leading to the variety
of symptoms which he is having.
*Reasons range from alternations in electrolyte levels / blood sugar or other
exertion induced
hormonal changes in abscence of any
*Clarify with him about consumption of any alcohol / abuse substance /
sleeping pill if any taken by him to sleep or relief from exhaustion.
*Should consult ER and get the diagnosis by clinical parameters and if
required evaluation by necessary blood tests /
Nerve conduction studies
for peripheral nerves /
MRI of specific region.
Hope this clears you from your query.
Thanks for using Health Care Magic and keeping trust in our medical
Wishing you a fast and speedy recovery from the same.
Bye dear take care.