I am a 55 year old female. Went to ER with rectal bleeding and GERD . Admitted on December 18, 2012. Was put on bland diet . Three days later had Endoscopy and Colonoscopy . Was told endoscopy found mild gastritis . Colonscopy results normal. Rectal bleeding was probably from hemoroid. Was told I had a couple of class I or II hemoroids. Told to follow up with family doctor and GI doctor released from hospital December 20, 2013. Folowed up with family doctor who put me on Sucratfate every six hours. Tried to follow up with GI doctor was unable to get appointment until January 18, 2013. Still having severe pain and developing a fever of 102.4 called family doctore who told me to go to ER. ER doctor had cat scan of abdomin results showing inflamation of bowel. Told to follow up with GI doctor was put on Metronidazole 500 mg 3 times daily. After 4 more attempts to get an appointment with GI doctor followed up with family doctor. He intervened on my behalf and was seen immediately. GI doctor did rectal exam which was extremely painful. He told me to continue Dexilant every 12 hours on empty stomach, sucrafate 4 times daily on empty stomach. Sent me for blood test and stool tests. I am no longer allowed to see the GI doctor as I was told I did not get along with his stafff???? GI doctor told me I was extremely sick and to find a GI doctor immediately. He would call me with test results not to call his office. Still not able to keep in food or liquid. Horrible anal pain. No test results at this time. Today is Janauary 13, 2013. GI doctor did call my family doctor in front of me said something about infection and colitis . Question how could I have an infection and colitis when my colonoscopy was normal? What should I eat or drink until I can see another GI doctor? Called to get appointment with new GI doctor. They were supposed to call me back as soon as my records were sent to new GI doctor to see if they would consider accepting me into the practice. No call back thus far. I have excellent insurance. I am in horrible pain.