Hi. For several months I have had red, painful and itchie lumps raise up on various areas of my face, hairline n scalp..It starts as a small itchie pimple-like bump but seems to never come to a definite head.
After couple days, it is really sore, hard and raised. If I put pressure on the lump...I hear and feel little pockets of tissue (in the lump) bursting under the pressure. Very little fluid/hardly any/ is expelled while pressure is applied.I I can press on all areas of the lump and soon it has gone down in size...the bursting stops...and its as if the lump is now void of any more bolbous tissue to burst. In a few minutes to a couple hours....the soreness is back and so is the bolbous tissue...plus it has become very itchie...and larger....in a circle pattern
The second, third, etc...time of this cycle (within a 2_6 days) the tissue inside and around the lession seems to cause the affected tissue to become deeper. If I apply enough pressure (hard enough to bruise the skin) I can feel and hear the tissue give way, again...as before. The Inside tissues seem to toughen and becom resistant to the pressure, also, more itching, soreness. The lump continues to fill up...over n over again, but slowly fills up with less n less .....until healing starts. I usually apply neosporin or bactroban.
Sometimes there is a small amount of clear fluid expelled. Often I see small holes in center of the lession with tiny small white substance in them....can you identify this for me.