Hellow , I am 36,male,divorsee since 2.5 years still not re-married,having 6years daughter.I am totally vegetarian,non-smoker,ocassionally rarely social drinker,weight 70kg,height 5 7 ,with high blood pressure 140/90.Living in cold country Russia-Moscow since 13 years. I have regular shoulder pain,back pain,left testis little bit itching and sensation.Left knee and ankle pain when too much cold. My MRi of spine shows straightening of cervical lordsis seen.Disc dessication is seen at c5-6 level,mild posterior bulge of c5-6 disc is seen indenting the dural sac.Screeing sagittal T2 Wt sequence though dorso- lumber spine showed early disc degeneration at d5-6,d6-7,d7-8 and L5-S1 level. My testosterone test is normal with 4.95 ng/ml. My scrotum (Colour Doppler) shows right testis 43x25mm,left testis 42x18mm,both testis appear normal in size and echotexture,both epididymis appear normal,no evidence of free fluid,scrotal wall undervision appear normal,both cords were examined in supine and standing position with and without valsalva manoevre,both testis shows normal blood flow,no evidence of varicocele on either side,veins measures 12mm on right side after valsalva and 19mm on left side after valsalva. My semen test shows sperm count 04 million and actively motile 12%. My spine doctor has done diagnosis normal spine degeneration and prescribed me Gemcal D3 everyday one for three month.I am already taking and have too much relief. while my urologist doctor has done diagnosis of Vericocele and and has prescribed Tab.Siphene-M everyday one one and Tab. Coq Forte everyday one each for three month. Please guide me wheather all this problems is because of degeneration of spine.As colour doppler shows no varicocele,but doctor says it is varicocele in reality. I humbly request your goodselves too kindly guide me and give me your valuable advise.