my daughter aged13 yrs, her FP was 125 & PP was 159, urine FP & PP are NIL.HbA1c is 6.1 1. my question is should i repeat the test again or based on the first test any medicaton is right now reqd pl. ? 2. what test to be conducted for juvenile Diabetes, How to Know she has juvenile Diabetes, is it life threatening disease? 3. Children Diabetes cannot be postponed for some more years by Diet + Exercise. kindly advise. my daughter aged13 yrs, Her weight is 60 Kgs In routine blood work it was found that my daughter;s FP was 125 & PP was 159, urine FP & PP are NIL. her HbA1c is 6.1. As Iam worried about my Daughter,should I repeat one more FP & PP Test . 1.what is juvenile diabetes, medication is required can it be postponed for 10 yrs with strict diet and exercise. month ago she is matured my question is this sugar changes have taken place because of hormonal imbalances .or not 3.when blood work to be taken for GTT fasting are Random. kindly advise. Asked by: bvrkumari1999 On : Thu, 16 Aug 2012 Answers: 1 Views: 4 Report Abuse Also find answers on: Blood sugar Diabetes mellitus High-fructose corn syrup Answer this Question ยป Dr.Ramesh M.Vachharajani, General & Family Physician 5328 Answers since Mar 2011 Answered: 3 days ago Current rating Hi, BVkumari, Thanks for query. It seems that she might have juvenile diabetes. ( hours are enough for fasting blood sugar. To confirm the juvenile diabetes go for GTT and blood HbA1 C level. If juvenile diabetes is not there then it can be controlled with strict diet control and exercise.