usually pain subsides after the 1st appointment of
root canal when the access opening is done and pulp is extirpated
now since you are complaining of swelling and pain in that region , two possible things may have happened
1.some pus or infection still remains in the canal or there may be a perforation done , if thats the case you would need to revisit your
dentist even prior to your appointment
2. but before that you may try one thing , there is much possibility that you would have been given a
local anesthesia before the root canal procedure and this shot of anesthesia commonly causes pain and
numbness after 24 hours of injetion
so what i would suggest that you do luke warm saline rinses followed by
cold pack application for 6-8 times a day
if you are relieved in a day or two than good or else call your dentist and get an appointment fixed
best of luck