Hello eugeniedoyle
thanks for your question
She developed
tonsillitis and then subsequently underwent
tonsillectomy. After tonsillectomy she developed seizure, brown urine, high
heart rate, difficulty in breathing, pain in stomach and hips.
I would like to tell you that seizures can develop in any child without any obvious past history, while tonsillectomy itself may lead to metabolic abnormalities. Uncontrolled bleeding is one of important complication of this surgery and it may lead to electrolyte abnormalities and consequent development of seizure.
Due to significant blood loss she is having complaints of
palpitation and difficulty in breathing. Due to seizure injury to muscles occurs and it lead to release of myoglobin (muslce pigment) from muscles to blood and which causes brown urine and severe muscle pains.
At present she is on anti seizure medicine and continue giving the medicines, her other complaints will improve once her bloog
Hemoglobin levels and electrolyte levels will come in normal range.
Do proper care of her, give plenty of citrus fruits and juices. Reassure her and she will be all right in no time. Thanks
All the Best