My 81 year old mother had an episode of severe facial swelling and mouth pain this week ( also experienced n/v, and light- headed). The pain was around her right upper mandible, so we assumed it was a dental issue. took her to see her dentist on Monday and several xrays were done and they noted significant bone loss to her upper teeth , they did note a small area of decay around one tooth but not a resounding abcess as I assumed. She was put on antibiotic and pain med and scheduled to have a tooth removed. She had been to the oral surgeon about 4 weeks earlier and had a two teeth removed but not mention of anything with this tooth. Tuesday her symptom persisted and in fact, the swelling was increasing. I instructed her to continue with antibiotic and lots of fluid and rest, ice pack to the swelling. Wednesday, she stated the swelling was alittle better but she just felt horrible, so I talked with her PCP and he ordered CBC with diff and CT with and without. CT showed a parotid mass to the right. Now she has had a knot on the lower portion of mandible for 25 years and dr. s have told her it was nothing to worry about ( but no one has ever scanned the area) She has also recently developed dry mouth syndrome . We are supposed to be taking her to an ENT but I would like a little information so that I can be prepared.