See your health care provider as soon as possible (orthopedic surgeon or physical therapist), for consultation. Upper
back pain can occur as a result of trauma or sudden
injury, or it can occur through strain or poor posture over time. As an example of the latter cause, in recent years, upper back pain has become a familiar complaint from people who work at computers most of the day. Often, upper back pain occurs along with
neck pain and /or
shoulder pain.
Middle back pain on the right side are most commonly caused by the following conditions:
Gallstones or an inflamed gallbladder
Muscle strain/spasm
Slip disc
Pinched nerves
Pain medications can also be helpful. Muscular irritation usually includes some form of inflammation, so anti-inflammatory medications (such as
ibuprofen or COX-2 inhibitors) can be helpful to reduce the inflammation.
The ribs connect with the vertebrae in the thoracic spine by two joints that connect with each side of the spine. Dysfunction in these joints can result in upper back pain.
Treatment for this type of injury usually includes manual manipulation (with an osteopathic physician, chiropractor or a physical therapist trained in manipulation) to help mobilize the joint and reduce the discomfort. Lasting relief usually also requires a home exercise program for stretching the spine and shoulders as well as strengthening.