Hello.I have a problem with my hands,especially the right one shaking from the wrist down to my last two fingers.It happened on a training camp a few months ago.I am practicing taekwondo for a few years now,and this year when we were doing a rutine technique exercise that requires punching really strong and fast I noticed my right hand just shaking really bad.I m 14,by the way.So,I was worried what might have caused this,but I guessed that I have probably just overtrained my hands and it was normal for the nerves to act that way.It continued for some days,though.a little shaking in the left hand and a lot of shaking in the right one.At the end of the camp that was almost entirely gone.Two or three months after that,on my last training session we again did some of those techniques and it started all over again.It s been two days,and I have a big international championship tommorow.I don t think that would really damage my performance,but who knows?So please,tell my what that might be and if I should consult my doctor.