Hi welcome to HCM
Dear I felt concerned about your mother , on going through your query .
Treatment with tablets and
insulin is not enough. A strict diet control containing fiber ,protein vitamins & minerals and regular walk , deep
breathing exercise yoga to control weight is a part of naturo therapy which bestows you with absolute health without side effects .
But now she is too old to do all this .Yes you can ask her to do some Deep Breathing -
-Inhale -Hold - exhale - Hold repeat 5-10 times ,if she can do .it will give her confidence .
Talk to her .encourage her sing ,and say some incidents of her life .
Avoid fried ,fast foods ,carbs tea coffee , alcohol colas &
constipation mental &
anxiety . make sure she sleeps well
make below
antioxidants as part of your life--
Mixture of extract of lemon, garlic , ginger ,vinegar of coconut water , Honey , take all in equal quantity ,mix well ,administer in dose of 15 ml with equal quantity of water , for 5 days and after that give 20 ml pure mixture for a month .
Take 3-4 cloves of garlic cut into pieces gulp with glass of water, early
in the morning . Can mix juice of lemon in water
Take fenugreak powder with water ,
Bitter gourd juice 30 ml also helps keep sugar level down
A 1/4 spoon of turmeric powder in a cup of hot milk , after dinner
before bed time .
The above regimen if followed regularly will help healthy happy life .
Give her
Homeopathic Kali Phos 30 morning /evening for a fortnight
See your physician ,for check up and take his advise every off and on
Hope this helps you solve your query . All The best Take care
Don't hesitate to get back if have any further query . If have any doubt , mail at drsuchda@gmail.com