i have been taking simvastatin for six months now,with no problems,until about a month ago,i have a really bloated stomach,now i am not sure that the tablets are causing this,but was told of another person with the same problem,that changed their statin to a different type,and had no more bother,please dont say its my diet,as i had a heart attack 6 mnths ago,and have the most healthy balanced diet you could ask for,with the correct amount of fibre,fruit,veg and every nutrient i need,i also take regular exercise at the gym 3 to 4 times a week,and my diet hasent changed at all in the last 6 months,although before my attack,i still ate healthy,and took regular exercise,i am just wondering if i should ask my gp to change my tablets,but i just find it hard to believe these problems could start after 6 months of taking them,would i not have had this large bloated stomach before 6 months,thanks in advance for your replies