Hi, I am a young 29 year old thin small female. Who originally had upper left abdomen pain, burning, felt like a fist- adn was diagnosed with H Pylori . I also had a rash and yeast infection . Medicine helped. Now, it is 2 months later and my right leg has been sore for a month and around my pelvic hip area which i thought was weird, and usually hurts worse after working out. Now, last week, all of a sudden after I ate alot, I have been sick the whole week with a low grade fever and developed a rash all over my skin again like a hot pinkish red rash, and i have extremely bad and raw burning and some pain at my very low part of my right abdomen. I am getting so full and bloated and it is hard to even eat, my stomach swells up so much! I also have gained weight. (I was 102, and now all of a sudden I am 107)... I need your help, no one knows what it is! :( Please help- Thank you! Oh and I just had a ct scan done with out contrast and they didnt see anything.