Hi, my sister had triple by pass surgery on Friday Nov. 30. That day she was doing so good in the evening that they were able to take her ventilator out. She was talking and talking and very alert. Very sore throat , but very alert. By the next day say lunch time, they were trying to get her in a chair to sit up and she was talking great. All numbers were good. She passed out or something they don t know. She is a diabetic, but they are watching her sugar very closely. She is also by polar. They are now cutting her meds back to get her to wake up, it doesn t look good for her. They have not moved her, or turned her. Her hands are tied down because today she woke up a little and she is struggling to have the vent back in. You can see the look in her eyes is fear. Don t know what to look for or what questions to ask!! Please help!! AAAAA