Hello, christ.45,
You mention that you are not having any problems with your bowels
at this time, eventhough you were diagnosed with IBS some years ago.
You also mention the presence of gallstones.
As for the
bloating is concerned , you have to make sure that Lactose Intolerance
Celiac Disease have been ruled out by appropriate blood or breath tests.
Gas bloating is caused by a combination of swallowed air and also gas from
fermentation during digestive process. If you eat too fast or drink fast during
meals , you can swallow more air. Certain foods , like the cabbage family and
legumes such as Garbanzo beans etc. can produce more gas.
There are some products such as "Beano" and Gas-Xor Phazyme , taken after
a meal may reduce the gas some, but not completely. You can also try taking
peppermint oil capsules after meals , which is more effective , but may give you
a little
heartburn. Other effective treatment is taking Charcocaps (
which adsorbs the gas and helps reducing the bloating. But your stool might
turn black !
Promotility drugs such as Metaclopramideor
Domperidone can help move the gas
through the intestinal tract abd reduce bloating. But these drugs have side effects
and have to be monitored.
I hope I have given you some insight into your problems.
You can discuss these with your doctor and if you have any
gallbladder attacks, you
should get the gallbladder remove by
laparoscopic surgery.
I wish you well.