Thanks for the query to H.C.M.. Forum.
If I were your treating physician for this case of severe ( recurrent , however after many years)vomiting, I would come up with this possibility , include as,
1 The most prominent cause may be
peptic ulcer disease or
Hiatus hernia .
Diagnosis can be confirmed by upper G I endoscopy .
Try raising the head of your bed about 4 inches above with blocks.
It might also help to avoid eating or drinking for two hours before you lie down.
To help control the stomach acid one should not drink alcohol or drinks with caffeine in them or eat chocolates or spicy food or greasy foods.
Also take some antacid but if symptoms are severe , then you may need drugs like
proton pump inhibitors.
This vomiting and diarrhea may happened due to overeating or spicy food before sleep .
2 Due to
pancreatitis vomiting &
loose motion present , so get serum amylase and serum lipase for confirmation of diagnosis.
I suggest you consult a physician get his opinion and treatment .
Good luck. Dr. HET