Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
1 Frequent urine ( urge) , lower
abdominal pain, headache , pulsation ( feeling of pulse near vagina and around neck ) all are an indication of
urinary tract infection. Diagnosis can be confirmed by urine culture .
Ultrasound of urinary tract system will be helpful in this case.
2 The 2nd possibility may be
ovarian cyst as you mentioned that irregular menses , lower abdominal pain and urge all may be due to cyst . Diagnosis can be confirmed by ultrasound of ovaries.
3 Sexually related disease , diagnosis can be confirmed by VDRL , ( if you are sexually active) as
vaginal discharge and bumps may be the most prominent cause of STD.
In my opinion it is very difficult to predict any diagnosis with these symptoms .
Clinical history and physical examination is very important so consult a gynecologist and get his opinion.
Good luck.