I just turned 57, 265 lbs, white male, I do not smoke or drink, I have sever obstructive sleep apnoea. Also I have almost constant headaches, migraines and clusters along with short term memory loss which all disappears when I was using oxygen while I slept with the regular set on 3, but the people furnishing the oxygen for my headaches did not like the way I was using it so they stopped furnishing me oxygen and all the headaches and memory loss has returned for almost 2 years now.
I was just given a new bipap machine because the cpap was not helping me, and when checked after one week, it showed I still had 26 episodes of non breathing. The pressure and volume was turned up to see if it would help and I used it about three days and on the forth day I had to tear it from my face after only 15 to 20 seconds, feeling as if I was being smothered. The same night I found out I could not sleep even without the mask ling down, I still had the feeling of being smothered. For two days and nights now I have had to sit us to sleep, severe crushing chest pain with an intense burning in my entire chest, wheezing and continually couphing up stuff from my longs, some time liquid and some times a large amount of green goop and all, the clear liquid and the green puss looking goop also contains blood. I am very easy to get short of breath, but now I am feeling short of breath all the time. It is so uncomfortable now I am debating going on out to the ER. What do you think?