I have been struggling with cystic acne , heavy menstrual flow, ovarian cysts and irregular periods since I was a teenager. I had a vaginal ultrasound done about 3 months ago after having a cyst rupture on my ovary. The doctor said the ultrasound showed a thick endometrium lining and several follicular cysts that generally go away on their own and would like to repeat the ultrasound in a few months; she said we may be discussing the possibility of endometriosis. It has been at least 6 months since I have noticed abnormal facial hair growing along with excessive body hair and an increase in cysts on my face. I have been to embarassed to address this with my doctor until recently. She said it is probably my hormones, which after researching I find is common in PCOS. Can I request to be tested for PCOS or for hormonal imbalance? If so, should I consult with my family doctor or dermatologist?