Thanks for your query.Based or reports that you have posted it is clear that you have what is termed as Azoospermia.
It is first to establish the type of Azoospermia.whether you had Pre testicular ,Testicular or Post testicular Azoospermia.
For this you have to get following investigations done
1) Serum levels of Prolactin , F.S.H.and serum
Testosterone.this will help to conclude pre testicular Azoospermia.l ,
2) Detail proper examination of the scrotum and Testicles for sizes of the Testis,Presence or absence of Vas
This will help to conclude Testicular Azoospermia.
3) Testicular Biopsy to confirm whether sperms are produced in testis or not.(
4) Depending on report of Testicular Biopsy ,if there is spermatogenesis you have to undergo some radiological test to determine to rule out blockage of the Vas
All the above test are to be carried out by a specialist so kindly consult some
Urologist or Infertility specialist for guidance and further assessment.for treatment of
Erectile Dysfunction and
Premature Ejaculation.