1. most fever in general practice are viral,self limiting and require only symptomatic treatment.
2. Before labelling a fever as viral, look compulsory for pallor,
stiffness, abdomen for liver &
spleen and auscultate the chest.
3. As general measures:
. cold compresses or ice bag- over forehead,axillae,neck.
bed rest with blanket.
. semi solid or
liquid diet.
. avoid exposure to wind,bath- only sponging.
. give soft rice with milk/ghee/plain daal,boiled vegetables.
. no chillies,spicy,oily or fried food.
. give bread butter,toast jam,cornflakes,apple, banana,pear,watermelon, dry fruits & biscuits.
4. As you have not mentioned the age of your son, thus going by the DOSE i.e. 375mg it comes between 6-12 years, thus calpol 250mg can be given maximum 4 doses in a day [6 hourly]