I am a patient from south India with thyroid problem for the past few months i.e., from Dec 2010.I am 64 yrs old and my clinical and pathological report are as under haemoglobin 13.3gms/dl,total count 7400cells,polymorphis 65%, lymphocyte30%, esinophils 04%, monocyte01%, basophils0%,sugar(r) 121%, urea28%, S.Protin 7.9gms/dl, Albumin 4 gms/dl, globuline 3.9 gms/dl, A/G ratio1.0:1 creatinine 0.9 mgs/dl, Cholesterol total 155%,HDL Cholesterol 40mgs/dl, LDL cholesterol 80mgs/dlVLDL cholestrol 35 mgs/dl Triglycerides 175mgs/dl, Total, Chol/HDL chol3.8, Bilirubin total 0.6mgs/dl, bilirubin direct 0.2mgs/dl, bilirubin indirect 0.4mgs/dl, SGOT 24 IU/L,SGPT 31 IU/L, Alkaline Phosphate 208 IU/L, Sodium 141 mEq/L,Potassium 4 mEq/L, chloride 103 mEq/L, Bicarbonate 23 mEq/l, Urine colour -pale yellow, Transparency-clear, Reaction-5.5, Sp.gravity -1.015, Albumin-nil, Sugar-nil, bile salt-absent,Bile pigment-Negative, RBC-nil, PUS cells-occasional, Ephithelical cells- occasional, crystals-nil, cast-nil.Micro Albuminiuria 21.9mg/L, Urine creatinine 23.79mg/L spot Microalbuminuria 17.7ug/mg of creatinine Thyroid Function profile (Total) T3 Total 78.49 ng/dl, T4 Total3.18ugm/dl, TSH3rd generation 56.623mIu/ml aqnd finally the ECG report as per the Radiologist/cardiologist: Normal and good. I am to inform you that my physician who diagnoised me prescribed Eltroxine 1 tab per day in empty stomach. I have loss of appetite , excessive wt 105Kgs and my height is 5 10 with BP constantly being observed once a week reads on average 125/75 to 145/85 with pulse ranging from70 to 85 I require your guidance and diagnostic treatment.