Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. You are on strong painkiller Norco, but still you are not getting much relief. The reason behind this may be due to
: Nature of pain may be different like neuropathic/musculoskeletal pain/complex
regional pain syndrome. All these condition can cause
severe pain which might not respond to strong painkiller.
: As you have undergone six surgeries, it might be due to scarring/inflammation or if instrumentation causing entrapment of nerve which is causing
intractable pain. This type of pain is usually resistant pain which does not respond much to medicine.
To reach unto some conclusion like diagnosis, i need some information regarding your spine surgeries nature, pain characteristics. You can send it by asking another question from HCM.
Meanwhile, for relief of pain
: you can take maximum effective dose of Norco after proper prescription
: You can take injection of fentanyl/
hydrocodone after proper prescription
: You can use morphine pump after proper prescription
: If no relief with any painkiller, surgeries like
spinal cord stimulation/neurolysis can also help.
Norco is a narcotic drug which is addictive and strong painkiller. Only medicines which belong to narcotic group and stronger than it can give you some relief. At present, few medicines are there like oxycodone, morphine pump,
oxymorphone which are either equal or stronger than hydrocodone.
Thanks. Hope it will help you. Take care.