Hello. Thank you for writing to us at healthcaremagic
The cream that you have been using is an excellent antiacne product. It contains topical
tretinoin, which belongs to a class of topical
retinoids. Other topical retinoids include
adapalene, baxarotene etc.
Topical retinoids are first line treatment in all grades of acne particularly adapalene and tretinoin.
They are antiinflammatory, comedolytic and therefore prevent new acne as well treat existing ones.
Topical tretinoin is inherently irritant and can cause
redness and excessive peeling.
Therefore, recommendation is to either use tretinoin every alternate nights Or use it for just 2 hours every night, at the start of therapy and gradually increase the stay on time from 2 hours to overnight.
Topical Adapalene, on the other hand has less of these side effects as compared to topical tretinoin.
I suggest you to discontinue this cream for the time being and let your skin recover; you may use a non-comedogenic moisturizer,once daily.
Once your skin gets back to normal, you may either restart initially with either alternate night application Or for 2 hours every night.
Another option is to switch to a different topical retinoid i.e adapalene, which is less irritant as compared to tretinoin.
I suggest you to visit a
dermatologist in your region for more details and appropriate prescription.