Dear raj
i can understand your concern
i am very sorry to say this, There is no permanent cure for
diabetes Diabetes need to be maintained and its quite possible to have a hassle free life.
in my opinion you are on right medication.
i suggest you to continue the same.
i would like to suggest you some random tips for diet in diabetes,
when it comes to diet,its very important to maintain balanced and timely diet schedule.Diet in diabetes should contain 60-65% of carbs. 20% of
proteins and 20-15%of fats.
Brown rice can be taken in diabetes but should be limited to a cup.Most of bread made out of whole wheat can be taken in diabetes.
This brown rice and whole wheat contain the same amount of
glucose as normal white rice but the release of glucose will be slow due to presence of fiber in them.
This kind of slow realize will prevent the rapid raise of glucose in your body.
Nuts are very good in diabetes and can be take daily in a quantity of small cup or you can take them not more than 50-75 grams.
This nuts should be a mix of walnuts,almonds,hazelnuts,peanuts and cashew nuts.
its better to prefer low fat milk than full cream milk.
I would like to give some diet tips to be followed in diabetes in monitoring there diet
1.Avoid all kinds of refined carbohydrates like sugar
2.Take all kind of fresh veggies kindly restrict use of potato and sweet potato.
3.Daily taking green tea is good for pre diabetes as it contains lots of antioxidants
4.Alcohol can be taken in a moderate quantity, Try avoiding wine and beer(better to avoid alcohol fully during
gout attacks).Alcohol can be taken 2-3 ounces .
5.Avoid all kinds of carbonated drinks they are not good for your bone health.
6.low fat milk can be consumed about 200ml per day.
7.low fat cheese and low fat yogurt can be taken.
8.Daily you can take a small cup of almonds,walnuts,pista and peanuts which are good for your good
9.Daily take only one fruit, avoid banana and mango ...if you like take only minimal quantity. can take protein, Choosing plant-based protein, such as beans and legumes more.
11.Alternate days you can take 2 egg white...pls discard yolk(yellow) since it contains bad cholesterol.
12.Use olive and sunflower oil for cooking.
13.Prefer grill than oil fry.
14.occasionally you can take ice creams and dark chocolate.
15.take good amount of green leafy veggies to avoid
16.Animal proteins are high in purine. Avoid or severely limit high-purine foods, such as organ meats, herring, anchovies and mackerel. Red meat (beef, pork and lamb), fatty fish and seafood (tuna, shrimp, lobster and scallops) are associated with increased risk of gout. Because all meat, poultry and fish contain purines, limit your intake to 4 to 6 ounces (113 to 170 grams) daily.
17.It is best to avoid beverages sweetened with
high-fructose corn syrup, such as soft drinks or juice drinks.
Hope I was able to help you.
If you have any further question feel free to write me back. I will be happy to help.
Take care.
Best Regards.
Dr Vamsi Krishna
Consultant Diabetologist
Apollo Hospita