Thanks for your query.
Noted the history of taking
Vicodin and
gabapentin for groin strain and left hip problem as well as L4 impinging on L5. There is passing of very hard stool that has caused tear and been taking stool softeners since 27th along with application of Prep-H suppositories, but still passing stools with pain and blood.
Vicodin is very well known to cause
constipation and hence the dosages may need re-adjusted and to take extra care as explained below:
High fiber diet.
Avoid all the foods and beverages and stress-like conditions which gives constipation.
Laxative for softening the stool- never allow the dose too much to cause liquid stools.
Sitz bath- very important- just before passing a stool and after passing a stool.
Clean the area very clear of the fecal soiling that remains after cleaning; use cotton soaked in the same water to clean.
You can apply liquid
povidone iodine locally. Apply nothing else.
5 day course of an antibiotic on prescription of a local Doctor.
Add probiotics and multivitamins.
Avoid stress and mental tensions at any cost; this is a very important factor.