Have small frequent meals and avoid a long gap between meals to prevent
low blood sugar.
Carry some snacks with you all the time especially when you are out.
Keep some foods which are sources of complex carbohydrates (fibre rich snacks like sprouts salads, whole wheat vegetable sandwiches, fruits like apples, pears or guava) and avoid simple sugars (table sugar, glucose/candies, syrups,sherbets, sweets, sweetened beverages, fruit juices etc) which will result in a sugar rush/sugar crash syndrome, that is your blood sugar will rise quickly and fall quickly leading to
Have foods rich in soluble fibre which delays gastric emptying causing blood sugar to rise slowly thus prevent hypoglycemia. Foods rich in soluble fibre include beans like
kidney beans, legumes, peas,pumpkin, cucumbers, oats, oat bran, guava, citrus fruits, apples to name a few.
Having a bowl of oatmeal with a fruit like apple in the morning as breakfast will supply a good amount of soluble fibre to keep you full and stabilise blood sugar levels too.
Include some fibre rich foods at night as well and some
proteins and fats to prevent night time hypoglycemia like kidney beans with brown rice and vegetable salad for dinner will provide adequate fibre to prevent low blood sugar at night.
Have a cup of warm milk before going to bed.
Hope this will help to alleviate your problem.