Thanks for contacting HCM. dear patient why did you stop your medication?. You should not stop or start any medication on you own, it is very risky. You can restart the same drug, it is a good drug. But please understand
diabetes requires diet modification and regular exercise as primary means of blood
glucose control and medicine is to assist in your efforts. you can try following-
1. Eat frequent small meals.
2. Avoid refined, fried, sugary, starchy and junk food.
3. Avoid white bread, white rice, red meat.
4. Eat whole grains, lots of salads and vegetables and fruits(avoid very sweet fruits if your blood glucose is not under control).
5. Eat fish(boiled,baked or roasted) atleast 3 times a week.
6. Take skimmed and unsweetened milk, curd and yogurt.
7. Eat a handful of nuts daily especially almonds.
8. Do regular
aerobic exercise for atleast 40 mins a day.
9. Get atleast 6-8 hours sleep at night.
10. Do not miss your medication.
11. take medicines under guidance of a doctor.