Hi, i got a pus pocket behind my big front upper tooth. the tooth is crooked/twisted and the pus pocket has been there a few months. i saw a dentist in april with the initial concern and she just gave me anti biotics, now there is alot of pain and the tooth is loose. the tooth was chipped and repaired about 11-12 years ago and had no issuse apart from the obvious crookedness. i cant make an appointment with the dentist untill monday and ive taken alot of painkillers already. is there anything i can do to relieve my pain short term?
and what do you think will happen with the tooth?
alot of painkillers dont work on me and from what ive experienced in the dentist previous & in hospitals thier injections dont seem to work much either, so i dont think its going to be a fun time getting this sorted and the situation seems quite severe. help please!
(pretty sure its abscess)
Also the pus comes out from a small hole above the tooth (in front)occasionaly/if pressure is placed on the pus pocket, the pus pocket being behind the tooth & in the gum/close to roof of mouth.