Hello, my 84 yo father in law has been suffering from frequent uti s for the past 3 years. originally diagnosed with kidney CA, then bladder CA. The last Pet scan was negative but still continues w/ frequent UTI s, strong urgency, and frequency with only about 200cc of output. He was place on 1000mg of Cellcept BID and 15mg of prednisone everyday due to his myasthenia gravis. He is now suffering from severe diarrhea. He was hospitalized last week with deydration. The Dr s did an EGD and colonoscopy and found a few little ulcerated areas in the small bowel and nothing real significant on the lower portion. They did multiple random bx s. We havent received those results yet. He is obviously immunosupressed due to his medications and has chronic infections (UTI s, cellulitis, staph etc)My question is... could he be suffering from the CMV in his urine causing all of the UTI s and in his colon causing all of the diarrhea and colitis-like symptoms?