I have grown up with beautiful skins, never had pimple until I was 17-18. When I was around 17 I started using makeup, also around 17 I had a horrible skin reaction to a knee brace that gave me bad eczema. It was around this time that I started to experience breakouts and I have not stopped ever since. My exzema is under control, but I continue to wear makeup. Since wearing makeup I have developed oily skin whereas it used to be normal. I believe I have acne cosmetica, does this sound right? I have stopped using all makeup except mineral makeup (sparingly) and am trying to not put ANY unatural chemical on my face as my skin has apparantly become super sensitive. I wash with an organic face wash, the clarisonic brush only at night to remove excess makeup, and then tone with tea tree oil and that is it. Does this sound like a smart decision? And did I diagnose my acne properly?