Hi. I was diagnosed with asthma last fall (I assume quite mild). I am on a symbicourt inhaler. A few weeks ago I had a head cold. IT went away in about a week, and for a week I was fine. Then one week later, I woke up with a very sore throat, went to the walk-in clinic and got an antibiotic for strep (although no one has called me back to confirm that the swab actually showed strep). I am coughing non-stop. It feels like it is productive, but then my chest feels just as full after I cough. I have been having some sleep apnea issues since this all started. My throat is not sore, but my voice is rough and raw-sounding. It's hardly worth the effort to talk. I am overweight, but otherwise healthy. I eat well and (up until the last few weeks) exercise regularly (both aerobic and weight bearing). I am exhausted from coughing. I just want my voice back, and to stop coughing.