Dear Doctor, my daughter age 14, w 45kg h 150cm. Mid June last year her cripple and complaint side of her foot pain. Later month pain became worse, she walks cripple like retarted with her leg swinging out and pain moved to her upper left hip. 5 degree pain. Doctor supected juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Hip bone appeared all white in MRI x-rays. He said no cure and no medicine each consultant she gone for many blood test, given folic acid, painkiller and leukemia pill. After taken medicine for 6mths, pain 2 degree, toe nails turn black and dropped off. She did not take any medicine now, her nail was ok, pain 1 degree but her low leg look curve. Now she took only calcium supplement and drank 3 cup of milk daily. Family members consider tall; mom 160cm; dad 179cm; older daug 165cm. Doctors pls advice, very worry on her condition.