hi, i am a 25yr old female 75kg,1.75cm, noticed i started getting heart palpitations aprox 5mnths ago and over the last few weeks have been getting worse in the sense that they seem to be occuring more often e.g everyday or so and sometimes more than once a day, i get quite scared as if im gonna loose my breath perhaps b'cos i get anxious when they come on as it is abnormal for me, since disscussing with my family my father told me he has the same thing has had it all his life his doctor said his heart just missing a beat (30-40yrs ago) so obviously could be hereditary, i asked him if he gets them everyday he said no,but your heart just missing a beat is not enough for me i smoke cigarettes and this past week have noticed i feel sick when smoking so have seemed to find myself cutting down due to it with no effort at all i have spells were i smoke weed regularly but have found myself not smoking last few weeks i take the occasional recreational drugs and in last few months have been working up to 15hrs a day a few days of the week but as of 2 weeks ago havnt been working not b'cos of it..please help me..