Hello. Thanks for writing to us at healthcaremagic
The cream you have been using contains
Nadifloxacin, which is a topical antibacterial.
Topical antibacterials are mainly given for inflammatory acne (red lesions, papules, nodules). They are antibacterial, anti-inflammatory.
However, topical treatment alone is sometimes not effective on its own to take complete control of acne activity.
Oral antibiotics are usually combined with topical treatment. Commonly prescribed oral Antibiotics in acne are either Doxycycline,
Azithromycin , Or Minocycline.
Apart from oral Antibiotics, oral Retinoids are the most effective anti-acne medication.
Retinoids are first line treatment for severe grade acne as well as acne which is not responding as expected to traditional anti-acne medications Or is associated with scaring.
I would suggest that you seek another appointment with your treating
Your dermatologist after assessing the severity of your acne might contemplate starting you on oral treatment along with topical Nadifloxacin and might as well start you on Oral Retinoids.
Once your acne activity is under control, measures that may be used to improve the appearance of acne scaring are Chemical peeling,
Dermabrasion, Microneedling, Fractional Co2 Laser etc.
Your dermatologist after thorough assessment would be able to devise the best method that would improve your acne scaring