we need more details of the prior injury to determine if it's related. if the injury when she was younger involved just the bone and not the articular
cartilage of the joint, and the bone was in good alignment then the bone would have healed 100% with no residual problems. if the cartilage was involved in the original injury then she may have
arthritis causing her pain at this time, or if the bones didn't set correctly she may have a new problem brought on by the old one. if the old injury was a purely
soft tissue injury, such as tendon or ligament, and surgery was not done, the healing was done by fibrosing and scar tissue which is not as strong as prior to injury, thus more likely to re injure something. you're best bet at this point is rest , ice, compression, elevation, anti inflammatories, and take an xray. if the xray fails to reveal anything, an
MRI would be warranted. if this is an arthritic inflammatory problem, a
steriod injection may be attempted by a foot and ankle specialist.