Hi, I have constant belching, RUQ pain, and sternum/midback (under bra strap) pain. Was off/on for a few months, now constant. Had abdominal ultrasound (normal), two liver function panels (normal), chest Xray (normal). Take 40 mgs of Prilosec twice daily. Am getting endoscopy next month (already know I have a hiatal hernia from a previous endoscopy). Had chest CT scan which showed lungs clear, but a 4 cm liver mass. Then had contrast enhanced CT scan of liver only and no mass (reviewed by 3 docs, nothing there, think it was "fat infiltration". Getting liver MRI next month to double check). Also had AFP test (neg) and Hep tests (neg). Totally confused now. GI doc thinks I am exaggerating RUQ/back pain, but it is daily and getting worse. Could this be liver, gallbladder, GERD, hernia?