Thanks for your query.
Noted the history of you being an athlete yet have abdominal problems for the last 6 months, gets
bloating progressively as the day passed, there is
constipation, goes for bowel movement once in 3-4 days.Drinks lot of coffee, smokes, healthy diet and do fitness in the morning and evening.
The history of progressive bloating is suggestive that there may be
aerophagia due to stress and/or
The constipation can be due to hard fecoliths that have not passed to being hard but allows the escape of the gases.
I would advise you in such a situation the following:
Get an X-ray of the abdomen and if fecoliths are impacted, you need a regular soap and water enema as this alone helps followed by regular laxative in a dose to suit your requirement.
This needs to be followed by a
colonoscopy and CT scan to rule out any mass or stricture to rule out cancer or polyposis.
Stop the foods and beverages that you must have noticed to cause constipation and bloating.