i am 43 over weight female been taking eltoxin for 13 yrs had hysterectomy in year 2000 I have nodule in my right low lobe ,did isotopic test and it did not show ,it only shows on ultra sound.my problems are constipation (two months ago had my internal piles banded ) problem still with me plus very itchy anus, I even had colonoscopy with the banding result two internal stage 2 piles ,rest all clear,Me very warm all the time, wake up during night if I do not use the fan the longest of sleep is 2 hours straight only , numbness both hands fingers and lots of cramps aspecially in stomach at the sides .outer side of my foot unbelievably painfull I work as store keeper a lot of tim standing on ladder and standing up .the heat and the anal itch are driving me crazy.