I have a terrible headache, my jaw hurts, and last week I had a grand mal seizure. My husband canceled the ambulance when I started to come out of it, the only thing I remember is him telling me as we were nearing the hospital that I had a seizure and he was taking me, so I freaked out and didn't want to go. My head right above my ears hurt so bad + migraine that starts at the base of the back of my head. I had one seizure as an infant, now I'm 32. I used to take warfarin but haven't for 3 years. I also had a full hysterectomy in April 2011 so I take Estradiol. Should I go to the emergency room because I didn't after the seizure and days later my head is killing me? Or should I wait? Also, I do not drink alcohol and haven't for nearly 5 years.