I am 27 years old. I am a healthy eater, non-smoker, and I exercise regularly. I have had heart palpitations that started after taking a high dose of Dramamine (Dimenhydrinate). I noticed the palpitations and a racing heartbeat right after taking the pills. I was scared, but thought it would be fine in the morning. They never went away. That was three months ago. I can describe it as a skipped beat and then a really hard beat. Thump, thump thump....pause....THUMP. I can feel it in my neck and throat. It also disrupts my breathing rhythm. I have seen my general practitioner several times and have had an EKG and stress test. She told me I possibly have PVC s. She is convinced it is nothing to worry about, however, they are increasing in frequency (sometimes 5-6 a minute) and are very distracting (scary too). I get them randomly with an increase during exercise and the day after. My question is: Could taking this medication have permanently alter my heart function? If not, could it have made me more sensitive to my heart rhythm? I repeat, I have NEVER experienced this sensation before taking this medication. I realize heart palpitations can be benign, but why would they start after this one dose, and continue months later? I want to know if there is anything I can do to prevent this from happening, or reverse this effect. I don t understand a whole lot about heart function, and I am not getting a very thorough explanation about how this could happen from my doctor.