2006 had Birmingham hip op, (at 49 years) where Liver infection started just before,( on long term diclofenac after trapping a nerve in my back at 40years) and a year later had multiple gall stones removed. my neck shoulders and back hurt mainly at night and kept falling - although could walk well at tines!!
The month after called for a 50 year mammogram which led to long biopsy, two exploratorys and a Mascetomy on having DCIS which was told no options as extremely busy.
I got stronger and did gym one then onto twice a week, I also went swimming as and when I could to make the core muscle stronger. Things improved walking wise but had a bit of a breakdown and had ill family at the time - loads hospital trips etc.
I started back at work 6 hours a week - I attended a gynae consultation which had been previously arranged on having waterwork problems and heavy bleeding with the liver infection, and steps getting smaller - where I was told yet another op to remove a pollock?!! A measurement of 13.7!!
I am back at work working as a medical re
ceptionist 17.5 hours a week and overtime - loads at times - which I struggle to keep up with.
I was told I had arthritis in my left hip and found out on Monday that that was not the case - howevr the bulging discs from the prolapse has left me still with muscular pains at times the muscl;e is falling on the right side - to all and sundry I look well and can walk upright without a stick - but still gert probl;ems with the walking, I have now got a consultation with breast care clinic for breast reduction and tummy tuck as my shape has changed an muscles dropping!!
Is it a back problem that has caused the walking issue or gynea?
Did the long term, diclofenac cause this ?
I can at times get up and dance - another not able to.
I have a pulling down sensation at times in between the legs.
Your response would be helpful - due to work issues nobody is giving me answers.
Thanks in anticipation.