I m a woman, 59 years old,my nose feels blown is swallen on on side, and have very often headaches i did test for my self and I have a bacteria Morraxella cathargallis present in my nose for probably 4 month because than I had a severe flu infaction.I have taken 2 antibiotics one for chest infection anther for sinuses infection.Feeling in my nose is the same I have no visible discharge,menopause hot flashes seems to make it worse.I m writing because I was prescribed 500 co-amoxicilin,(didn t start to take) because have very upset stomach for same time, tight and blow-up abdomen with constant burping,rushing to the toilet etc as wellI suffer from hepatitis C virus.Is it any alternative possible and what in worse could happen if I don t treat the bacteria with antibiotics.Thank you kindly for your answer. With best wishes,Ewa Neeson