I had balloon sinoplasty over a month ago.I was given Levaquin (750 mg) for 7 days. I irrigate my nose once or twice a day and I get a bloody clot and mucus that still comes out. I ve read this thick clotting should have stopped by now. After irrigating I blow my nose slightly, as directed, and more of the clot comes out. Afterwards, my face (in the cheek area) feels numb. It feels like there is more mucus and clotting in my nose after irrigating my nose but I was told not to blow hard, so I don t. For the first three weeks after surgery when I irrgated I could breath relatively well. Within the last week or so, I feel like I can t empty my sinuses completey after irrigating. I also have a build up of fluid in my ears after irrigating. For the past 10 days, I wake up every morning and my nose is clogged to point I can t breathe out of my right nostril (point of surgery). I bought a very expensive humidifier to use when I sleep and I still wake up stuffy. Is there anything I can do to help with the stuffiness when I wake up? Should I be doing something before I go to bed, other than the humidifier? Is there anything I can do about the fluid in my ear. I really need some answers. This is really affecting me? I thought the surgery would make thins better. It seems like its made it better.