I have a friend that has been addicted to snorting pan killers for two years. He has been also shooting up for about a year. He wants to stop but is worried about the withdrawls. Someone told me to have him do the following things. Eat alot of protein, take vitamins with many minerals, take omega 3,6,and 9, take 5-htp, SAM-e(on an empty stomach), Take alphaloic and milk thistle (to rebuild his liver) For a boost of energy they said to start the day on an empty stomach and take L-Tyrosine and vitamin b-6
They said to take d-phenylalnine to help with pain,mood swings, and sleep also said to drink alot of water or gateraide. Is this going to help him or is there something else we should do? He does not want to be put on a perscription drug, to help him get off of these things.