I'm a 29 year-old female, and I have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome in my lower left extremity I sustained in a car accident. I was diagnosed 10 years ago, and have been on painkillers ever since. In March, my 200lb mastiff mauled my left arm and the muscles, nerves and skin aren't healing well and my painkillers aren't working anymore to ease any of my pain. I'm pretty sure that RSDS is settling in. I have no health coverage to see a specialist, and I'm afraid to ask my doctor (D.O) for an increase in my pain meds or ask for something stronger because of my age, but the pain is becoming so unbearable. How do I explain to my doctor that I need more relief? I mean, I'm not a "junkie" looking for a "high." I'm just in so much pain. Everyday. What do I say or how do I ask him?