Hi! so the past 2 weeks i think i have had some trouble with swallowing. before that, we went to a doctor because of a chronic mucosal inflamattion (back side of the mucosal) Then, after that we had done a head x-ray and it showed i had sinusitis. we did the antibiotics cure but we FORGOT to take the sudafed. How bad is that?! Should we do another X ray of head? right now, i still can feel the phlegm coming from the back side. I also feel like the food gets stuck in my throat after eating. But i dont start couching immediately, its like the food gets mixed with the phlegm and i get whooping couchs, so its hard to get the food out, when its mixed with phlegm and i think i might have got some in my lungs. after i had that feeling, The tickle feling went over in some time after i tried not to couch. could some of the food got in my lungs? it all happened two days ago and now today, too. could i get something serious from this, like aspiration pneunomia? because today i feel ill and i have miniature chest pains, 37C fever and the feeling of fainting when i walk or run fast, also fatiguation, feeling of being tired. what are the symptoms of a developing aspiration pneunomia when food gets in lungs and is for 2 days? is it serious? cause my mom said, if food got in lungs, i would be already dead in 2 minutes?