Hi, I am a female. I am 22 years old. I am 5''4 & 145 lbs. I have been sick, well, since I was 3 years old. I have chronic sinus infections, chronic swollen lymph nodes (within the past two months they have grown in size. The one on the right side of my neck is about 2'') and chronic migraines. All of my symptoms are worse on the right side of my body, but my left side recieves pain as well. I have been to 8 different doctors (and an ent) within the past 3 weeks. My blood tests have come back normal. I have been prescribed antibiotics, pain killers, and medicine for my upset stomach. Each doctor dismisses the pain as if it isn't real. I have an entire bag filled with prescriptions but they only mask the pain. I just don't know who or where to turn! since I am young I cannot afford insurance. I am worried that my lymph nodes could be related to something more serious. I had an xray done on my neck and nothing abnormal showed up. The pain is worst in the mornings after I have been in bed. It gets worse when I am under stress. At best it is a dull ache. About 10-30 times a day I get a sharp pain in the lymph nodes. Within the past year I have been on steriods about 3 times to "decrease the swelling" which works for a week or two and then it returns. Please help! Thank you!